Thursday, May 28, 2009

What does Zeolite cure?

Ok... first things first. The Liquid Zeolite product is a nutritional supplement, therefore any company that sells the product can't use the word 'cure'... even if it might do just that.

Here are some of the reasons why people are using the Liquid Zeolite product.
  • cancer of all types
  • autism
  • heavy metal detox
  • lupus
  • muscular sclerosis
  • fibromyalgia
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • allergies
  • chemical sensitivities
  • skin diseases
I learned a lot of this stuff from a free Ebook written by Shelley Penney called "The Liquid Zeolite Ebook".

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Liquid Zeolite & AIDS?

I was shocked to hear today that Zeolite is being shipped in droves to Africa! I understand that some doctors there are using the product with AIDS patients. I cannot believe all the power this product has! I suppose it makes sense... as soon as you start detoxing your body, your immune system is able to work on what's wrong.

I'll keep you posted on any new developments with this story!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Liquid Zeolite or Powder Zeolite

There are a few different Zeolite products out on the market right now and sometimes it can be hard to determine the best one.

I've found that the Liquid Zeolite eBook is very good at explaining the difference and why the Liquid Zeolite is probably more suitable than the Powder format.

The bottom line is that the liquid form is used more efficiently than the powder... Although, the exception is for digestive problems. This is one situation where you might want to use the powder form instead.

I do suggest that you read the ebook first before making the final decision.