Thursday, December 3, 2009
The "Drug" industry
Think of it like this;
If the CEO of a pharmaceutical company is meeting with two young scientists. The first one enters his office and he requires $10 million dollars to develop his cure for cancer. The second comes in and requires $10 million to develop a drug that will manage the symptoms of cancer indefinitely. Where do you think he will put the money?
Remember that the CEO serves the company and the shareholders. Therefore, he MUST make the decision that is best for the COMPANY! Not for mankind. So, he gives the money to the second scientist and the "cure" is never developed.
It is a sad reality in this world, but it is reality.
There are so many natural products that can drastically improve our health, but no one wants to invest money to "prove" it. Since the products are not patentable, there is no way for a company to secure it's investment. Therefore, they continue to develop drugs and in order to stay competitive, they continue to imply that natural remedies are ineffective.
The bottom line is that we must be careful when we look at the drugs that are available to us. Always keep in mind that someone is making money from the decision to bring that drug to the marketplace and as long as the drug passes certain "short term" criteria, then it is allowed on the market... Until it is recalled that is.
I will guarantee that no one will ever "recall" an apple!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Liquid Zeolite Clinical Study: It works!
Of course, people have been using Liquid Zeolite for years and people are having tremendous results. However, up until now, it has been solely based on the zeolite testimonials. I don't know how many people that I've talked to that are were really looking for more proof. I don't blame them. I don't think it is smart for anyone to risk their health on heresay.
You can download the pdf version of the clinical study on Liquid Zeolite and read it online or on your computer.
The clinical study's researchers are all working out of US Universities! This is also important because I've heard about plenty of companies that will pay for a doctored study from some school in a third world country. These are United States universities. Just another reason to be confident in the findings.
One more thing to note is that in the study, the Liquid Zeolite that is being tested is the original Liquid Zeolite blend! Be careful. The study does NOT apply to the knock offs, including Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. Make sure you get the right one.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Are Liquid Zeolite Testimonials Proof?
Other than a simple answer of "Have you looked through the testimonials?", there is really nothing else I can say. I'm just as disappointed as you are that there aren't clinical trials showing that the product is curing various cancers and other problems.
This might explain a little of why we don't have these studies.
I found an article about Liquid Zeolite on a site I read all the time that talks about our medical system and I thought it was quite enlightening.
The pharmaceutical sector is a business. This is not really their fault, it is just the way it is. So that means that money talks. A drug company is far more likely to spend their money researching products that will make them money then ones that don't. This also means that drug companies are far more likely to spend money on a product that manages a disease rather than one that cures a disease!!!
As with Liquid Zeolite and any other natural product, there is no way for the company to secure their investment. Drugs are manufactured in a lab and the combination of ingredients is patented so that competitors cannot duplicate it. Therefore, the drugs are tested and when they are proven effective, the company now has exclusive rights to the product. This means that only they can make money from it and therefore they can recoup their investment.
If a company were to spend the money on a clinical trial of a natural products, then anyone in the world would be able to use that same study to prove the effectiveness of their product because the product just came from the ground.
Obviously, I think this is incredibly unfortunate and I wish it would change. Any ideas?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Liquid Zeolite Micronisation
If you or anyone in your family get news that they have cancer it is likely the scariest moment of your life. Cancer is devastating. It is not just the disease that is so harmful, but many people agree that the treatment for Cancer is sometimes more fatal than the disease itself.
Cancer is defined as an abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases, to metastasize. Cancer is not even a specific disease, there are over 100 types of cancer. The bottom line is that it is abnormal cells that begin to multiply.
Our cells are under a constant barrage of harmful toxins that are everywhere. Even our food, water and air is polluted. When the cell finally becomes compromised by foreign toxins, such as heavy metals, they become sick. When the cell divides, it now creates two malformed or sick cells... and the cycle repeats.
Liquid Zeolite is a mineral that attracts heavy metals and traps them within. When ground up small enough, Liquid Zeolite goes into the blood stream and removes heavy metals directly off the cell walls. Then it safely takes them out of the body. When these harmful toxins are gone from your body, the immune system starts to do it's job and heal.
It is important to select the proper Zeolite product so that the cages are cleaned out, and are also ground properly. Activated Liquid Zeolite products are becoming more readily available and there are also copycat products that are ineffective and even sometimes harmful. There is a great ebook entitled “The Liquid Zeolite Book” by a retired registered nurse that is a great source of information and has identified the most effective Liquid Zeolite product.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Is Liquid Zeolite the Best Zeolite?
So how do you figure out what is real, what is a scam and what is harmful?
Let's first look at the most popular types of Zeolite.
Powder Zeolite
This type of Zeolite has been around for quite some time, and it's not hard to tell that it is the least popular. Any nutritionalist will tell you that food is most easily absorbed into the bloodstream in it's liquid form... Furthermore, if you are buying powder, then chances are you will need to mix it up in order to take it. This means that there is more opportunity for mistake. Typically, the powder form is the cheapest, and when you are dealing with critical health decisions, maybe "cheapest" is not the best move.
Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ
Here is a product that has been getting some great marketing buzz from a fellow named Richard Sopias. He has written a book on natural cures for cancer and he mentions Zeolite as the most important aspect. After a little digging, he used to support the Original Liquid Zeolite product, but now he appears to have a marketing contract with a new company with the Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. Upon further research, it appears that this product contains a few fillers that have little to no health benefits and could possibly be harmful for some people. DHQ is a antioxidant, but antioxidants are much cheaper and more effective in Orange Juice and you definitely don't need to be spending top dollar for an antioxidant. To get the maximum benefit, get a pure Zeolite product and supplement it with Cranberry Juice.
Liquid Zeolite
Liquid Zeolite appears to be the best choice for an effective Zeolite product. However, again there seems to be a number of different options. Here's an interesting point to make. The Original Liquid Zeolite developed has been out on the market for a few years and has generated dozens of positive experiences. When I looked at some of the other retailers for Zeolite they seem to be pointing to the same testimonials. This is outrageous. People are creating a different product and claiming to have the same benefits.
In the end don't be fooled. There are many different Zeolite products, however, only the original has the patented activation process and it is the only one that has the positive testimonials attached to it.
A quick word on Activation
Zeolite when found in nature is filled with toxins. That is because Zeolite naturally attracts heavy metals and toxins and traps them inside. Therefore, before it can be consumed we must find a way to clean it out. This is the science involved. Once the Zeolite cages are cleaned they are now available to extract the heavy metals and other toxins from your body. By placing them in a Liquid solution, the product is able to be absorbed into the blood stream and able to clean out your body cleanly, safely and effectively.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Liquid Zeolite Lawsuit: Inventor vs Waiora
I perform regular searches in Google looking for new information about NCD, Waiora, Liquid Zeolite and I even regularly search for some of the most prominent supporters and educators for Liquid Zeolite including Shelley Penney and Rick Sopias. I had seen a few things about a lawsuit but I couldn’t find any resolution. Until recently, I read a post from Shelley on her Liquid Zeolite Book site about it including backlinks to the actual Waiora lawsuit.
It appears that the inventor wanted to take the original formula for Liquid Zeolite to another company called Trilogy but there were already contracts in place. The lawsuit was settled out of court in 2008 and the records were sealed. The inventor Harvey Kauffman has never been seen again and Trilogy ended up getting bought out by a company named Liquidity.
I think the bottom line here is that Waiora continues to distribute the product and since the lawsuit was settled in 2008 there has been no further action against the company and NCD and Waiora are still in business with Liquid Zeolite.
I definitely wondered at first what this was all about, but it seems to me to be nothing big. I’m not sure why the inventor decided to leave, perhaps he was offered more money somewhere else… It’s all speculation. However, it appears that the lawsuit itself has little to do with the effectiveness of the Liquid Zeolite product and the company is doing business as usual.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Liquid Zeolite : Fact of Fiction?
First of all, Zeolite is not a drug. It is a mineral. The Liquid form is simply a solution that is easy for the body to process. Let’s also get something else clear… Liquid Zeolite does not cure anything. What it does do is that like a magnet, it attracts into its honeycomb structure virtually all heavy metals.
Many of us are suffering from some level of heavy metal poisoning. There are constant strains on our immune system from outside toxins. Our air is at least a little polluted, our water is filled with chemicals, even our food has chemicals to keep the bugs from eating it, and also to preserve the food during transportation. With all these problems we need something to rid us of these chemical toxins.
Liquid Zeolite is one way to safely remove heavy metals. Once these toxins are out of our body, then we can let our bodies take care of the rest. We are all built with the ability to heal ourselves and when our immune system is not busy dealing with toxins it can work on something else. This is why people are finding that they see results with just about any illness. It’s simply because their bodies are more able to deal with the task at hand since the toxins are not holding our immune system back.
If you want to know more, there is a very good free resource out there on Liquid Zeolite by Shelley Penney called The “Liquid Zeolite” Book. It is about 24 pages and the information is very useful. She also compares a few brands and makes a recommendation. Worth the read, and if you are ready to give it a try, she makes it easy to purchase… There is a number to call as well if you need help with the online ordering process.
I hope this helps!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What does Zeolite cure?
Here are some of the reasons why people are using the Liquid Zeolite product.
- cancer of all types
- autism
- heavy metal detox
- lupus
- muscular sclerosis
- fibromyalgia
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- allergies
- chemical sensitivities
- skin diseases
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Liquid Zeolite & AIDS?
I'll keep you posted on any new developments with this story!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Liquid Zeolite or Powder Zeolite
I've found that the Liquid Zeolite eBook is very good at explaining the difference and why the Liquid Zeolite is probably more suitable than the Powder format.
The bottom line is that the liquid form is used more efficiently than the powder... Although, the exception is for digestive problems. This is one situation where you might want to use the powder form instead.
I do suggest that you read the ebook first before making the final decision.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Liquid Zeolite Scam?
I really have tried to keep up on both sides... There is a plethora of good news about Zeolites and their effect on Cancer, Autism, Detox, general health and even pet health. There have also been reports of scams and various people debating whether it is real or not.
I've recently found a few sites that talk about the distribution method of Liquid Zeolite. There are many retailers of Zeolites and I've found that the most popular producer of Zeolite is a MLM company called Waiora.
Let me first explain a bit about MLM. There are many names for MLM.... Multi-Level Marketing, Network Marketing, Direct Sales, Home business, pyramid selling... and I'm sure there are more.
Network Marketing is a way to distribute a company`s products directly to an end line consumer by cutting out the middlemen. Instead of hiring a sales force, regular customers are able to refer other customers to the company and earn a commission check to do so. There is usually a membership or distributor fee involved, but it is usually quite small (around $30) and you should receive a marketing kit, distributor website and backoffice (sales tracking and training). Oftentimes, there is also a discount on the product from the retail price.
Having said this.... The fact that the company chose the MLM distribution method is not enough reason to avoid the product. Typically the products in MLM are VERY VERY high quality and provide instant and distinct results very quickly. Otherwise, they would not be able to continue selling the products.... As we know, bad news travels much faster than good news. If the product didn't work, you would see far more negativity than positivity.
As for the "business" or "pyramid" aspect of it. The company will always encourage you to promote the products, however, this is a personal choice and NEVER let someone pressure you into promoting the business. If the product works for you.... Just opt out of the "business". Simple as that. I suggest that when you find a distributor for Zeolite that you ask to be excluded from the "Business" side. You can still get the membership, but you can opt out of all the "harrassment".
I hope this helps!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Cancer can be beaten with Zeolite?
I must say that it is actually quite informational. She discusses what cancer is, how it is caused and actually offers 7 cancer fighting strategies. I'm quite impressed... She even included a recipe for a "Cancer Fighting Smoothie" which I admit is quite delicious.
A little summary is that Cancer is the result of abnormal cells in the body which divide and replicate out of control. The causes for these abnormal cells can be traced to toxins which cause mutations. Shelley has a wealth of information to educate for those who are just looking for information... However, for those who are looking for solutions... There are many products that Shelley recommends in her book that can beat cancer!
I am very impressed. This woman really seems to have her heart in the right place.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Zeolite a cure for Autism or a scam?
I understand that Autism seems to have some links with mercury (I found this article at PubMed that supports this assumption). I also understand that there is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study evaluating the effects of a specific Liquid Zeolite product. There are more details about the dosages/etc in a free ebook written by Shelley Penney... Here's the link if you are interested... Liquid Zeolite Ebook.
I'm very excited to see more of the results... I hear that there are many more studies to follow. Very exciting stuff since I know that Autism is becoming more prevelent these days.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Natural Therapies to Conquer Cancer
Look around us... The air is more polluted than ever, many of us buy our water in a bottle because we don't trust what comes out of the tap (but we still bathe in it), our food supply is becoming increasingly "fake" with all of the chemical and genetic modification. It is no wonder that we are getting sick more often. We are constantly putting toxins in our bodies and we aren't doing anything to get them out.
What is even more worrisome is that the healthy solutions that are out there typically cost so much money that only the wealthy can afford them. Have you heard of a President who died of Cancer? Curious isn't it.
We must do something to rid ourselves of the toxins that we are exposed to. The question is what do I use, and how can I find the right stuff? There is a Natural product called Zeolite that I have been researching a lot lately, and the results are staggering when it comes to eliminating cancer. However, there are so many different places to buy it, and it appears that there are some unscrupulous marketers out there that are praying on the uninformed and profiting from it.
The best resource I've found to date is a free ebook written by Shelley Penney. She's done a ton of research and has even compiled information about a variety of vendors in order to help you separate the fact from the fiction. For your convenience you can follow this link: Liquid Zeolite Book.
I wish you the best of luck in your research.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Zeolite, Pets, Cancer, and Detox
Apparently, her dog has cancer (I didn't even know dogs could get cancer), and she heard about Zeolite through Shelley Penney's Liquid Zeolite eBook and decided to try it on her dog. I was even more shocked to hear that her sister had already successfully used Zeolite with her dog a couple years back for Cancer!
I did a little research online trying to figure out how pets could even get cancer... I wasn't all that shocked to hear that a few common sources of toxins are :
- Vaccinations
- Tap water
- Commercial pet food i.e. fillers, chemical preservatives as in Ethoxquin, BHA and BHT, Propylene Glycol, Nitrates
- Drugs, antibiotics
- Fertilizers, pesticides - Pets walk on the lawn and then lick their paws.
Cats: 2 to 3 drops a day
Dogs: Depending on their size and health condition - up to 30 drops a day
As for how to get it, I suggest you consult the eBook. This will give you a ton of information on different types of Zeolite and even point you in the right direction on where to get it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Zeolite, Shelley Penney, Robert Sopias and Cancer
Shelley Penney is a retired Registered Nurse that has written a free Liquid Zeolite eBook on the subject. I suggest downloading it. There is a lot of very useful information. She seems pretty down to earth about the information that is presented. She also seems to have done a lot of research and makes recommendations on what product you should use depending on the purpose.
Robert Sopias is all over the internet. He runs a site called and has written a report entitled "11 Natural Therapies to Conquer Cancer". He admits that he has no health background, but he calls himself a "health consultant". Although I do find that somewhat conflicting, I suppose it's possible that he knows what he's talking about. One thing to keep in mind is when it's all said and done his "health regiment" will cost thousands of dollars. It might not be apparent right from the start, but be careful.
I think that the key is to do your homework. There is no doubt that there are alternative health products that could help cure various ailments such as cancer, autism, etc. However, keep in mind that it's not the product that cures it... It is your body that heals itself when given the proper tools (ie: nutrition). Zeolite is a detox product. Zeolite will pull toxins out of your body. It is up to you to add some good nutritional habits and exercise to be sure that these products have the best chance at success.
To your health!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Zeolite Enhanced With DHQ
Zeolite With DHQ - What Is It?
Zeolite With DHQ - What Is It?
There are a lot of cancer victims that are hearing about zeolite with DHQ for the first time from Robert Sopias ( who wrote a report entitled "11 Natural Therapies to Conquer Cancer".
Does the book "11 Natural Therapies to conquer Cancer" have any value? well it is written by a guy who has no health background but calls himself a "health consultant". The truth is, he is a brilliant marketer with 11 (and more) products that will cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars a month. Your cancer makes people like Robert Sopias rich. BUT, having said that, do the products he recommends really work??
Well let’s talk about his first recommendation.
Zeolite Enhanced- Now With DHQ
First… what’s the zeolite enhanced with? ENERGIES. Yes you read that right. Robert’s zeolite is enhanced with energies. No cancer fighting super ingredient here, just something so esoteric and ridiculous you have to be deathly ill and in dire need to BELIEVE, to believe this.
What else is in Zeolite with DHQ?
Humic and fulvic acids are in Zeolite now with DHQ. Now if you haven’t read The Liquid Zeolite Book I recommend you do. Click for "The Liquid Zeolite eBook." When you read it, you will understand why these acids can actually be quite harmful. Humic acids and fulvic acids are derived from rotting material. As such they can be a breeding ground for bacteria. The zeolite bottles are miniscule… only a half ounce to an ounce of fluid. When you add cheap fillers there is less room for the stuff you really need. If you really want to drink rotting organic acids, why not just buy a bottle of the stuff at the health food store. I sure don’t want it in my zeolite product and you shouldn’t either.
What about the DHQ?
DHQ must be good right?? Sure. DHQ is an anti-oxidant. It is actually a polyphenol like black tea extract or red wine. Does it do anything when you add it to zeolite?? Absolutey not. It is just more cheap filler taking up the room in a bottle so you get less of the stuff that actually works.
The Original Zeolite…
That’s the zeolite Robert Sopias first ever heard of and started promoting. Why did he stop promoting it? I don’t know for sure, but I might guess that it wasn’t as profitable as some of the many others he has promoted since. Since he IS NOT a medical professional (he actually admits that) he would not have any way of measuring or comparing zeolite products to see which ones work better. There is actually an article on this site that compares zeolites similar to the kind he promotes with humic/fulvic acids and the Original Liquid Zeolite. Click here for Zeolite Comparisons You can see by the chart that some products, out independent lab couldn’t find ANY zeolite particles at all.
Why trust your life to an unknown. The Original is the one everyone tries to copy and now you know why!!
Sloan Kettering on Zeolite!

Mechanism of Action
Zeolites have ion-exchanging and adsorption properties. Zeolite granules, when used externally on wounds, can stop bleeding and promote clotting through the absorption of water (2) (3). Zeolites are thought to adsorb pathogenic microbials, glucose, and alcohol in the stomach and intestine and have been proposed for use in diarrhea (4), diabetes (5), and hangover (8) . Due to their alkaline nature, zeolites have pH buffering effects. They can adsorb nitrosamines in acidic solution (12) leading to claims that they can also be used as anticancer treatment by removing carcinogenic substances in the stomach. However, such effects have not been substantiated in humans. A few in vitro studies indicate that micronized zeolite inhibited protein kinase B; and induced expression of tumor suppressor proteins (9). In animal studies, micronized zeolite product was shown to reduce metastasis and increase the effect of doxorubicin due to its antioxidant property (13). It also increased peritoneal macrophages after intraperitoneal application and stimulate graft-versus-host reaction (14). Precise mechanisms of action remain largely unknown. Micronized zeolite can affect brain serotonergic receptors activities of mammary carcinoma bearing mice (15). However, the clinical implication of this effect in humans is unclear. Zeolite supplementation did not prolong survival in tumor-bearing animals (16). Zeolites may have both immunosuppressing and immunostimulating effects. In animal studies, they caused decline of GM-CFU in the bone marrow (16) but increase graft-versus-host (GvH) reaction (14). Zeolite products have other benefits when used in animal feed: they increase mineral utilization (17), reduce heavy metals induced anemia (18) and reduce aflatoxin toxicity (19). None of these benefits are applicable to humans.
I read the report and here are some of the most important highlights!
Special Point: A company has filed a U.S. patent application on using a form of synthesized zeolite as a cancer drug (21). Data submitted were based on in vitro, plant, and animal studies. The patent filing specified that the substance must be injected directly into the tumor. This rules out any benefits by oral route.The company cited financial reasons and decided to market the product as a dietary supplement. Zeolites have never been studied as a cancer drug in humans.
Purported uses
There is more information directly at the Sloan Kettering site.
There are many brands of Zeolite out on the internet. This study only applies to the original zeolite products.
The book is very informational and it talks about different zeolite products and how to find the original brand that is being used in testimonials as well as the studies.
Here is a link to the report on the Sloan-Kettering website.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Zeolite Patent
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Doctors Using The ORIGINAL Zeolite
I went looking around for doctor testimonials online and I found a number of them using Zeolite for their personal use as well as for their patients. |
Dr. Alex Lee, MD
With my background in research, I did my due diligence and in the process of doing that, and what I’ve seen over the past several months, in terms of the efficacy of the zeolite product, there is basically one word to describe the product and that is "remarkable."
I’m so impressed because to put on paper, people coming forward with their own personal testimonials, I’ve never seen this many and that is just an incredible testament to the product. We don’t make claims that Activated Zeolite is a cure or treatment for any particular disease state, but just to share with you some of the testimonials that have come forward that I’ve seen.
We’re looking at a study of patients for example with Hepatitis C using activated zeolite, and just as an anecdotal testimonial, the very first person that we enrolled, dropped their Hepatitis C viral load from 10 million to 7 million after six weeks of taking activated zeolite. We’ve had somebody else’s drop their Hepatitis C viral load from 3 million to 100,000 after one to two months of taking the product. We’re getting some really remarkable, positive results.
Additionally, in terms of viral responses, two weeks ago we had someone who was a teenager, who was diagnosed with severe mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr virus infection. This person had a severe case , had a sore throat, lymph nodes were swollen, was very debilitated, fever, the whole bit. They were basically told they would be out of school for six weeks or more and no sports.
They were boxing within two weeks and the family and treating physician just could not believe the rapid response that could not be explained, because the natural, clinical history of someone with severe mononucleosis is to be sick for literally six weeks, eight weeks or more and many of them are debilitated and have chronic fatigue for upwards of six months or longer.
That’s just to share with you some of the experiences that I’ve seen recently and that’s why I passionately feel the zeolite product has so much to offer basically the entire population and I feel this is almost a crusade to educate the public about the benefits of this one product and many, many, many people feel that way as well."
Dr. Ross Taylor, M.D.
Gastroenterologist and Nutritional Support Physician
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
"I’m a practicing gastroenterologist in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with a special certification in nutritional support. I work with Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa. This is a national organization that’s focused on the care, treatment and the prevention of this very serious illness. The science and research behind the natural zeolite product demonstrates its ability to safely detoxify the body of environmental toxins and potential carcinogens. We now know that many of these illnesses that we are face with as we age are strongly impacted by these chemical toxins.
"On the basis of the extensive research concerning this product, I’m impressed with its ability to support a healthy immune function, balance the body’s pH, detoxify and/or chelate heavy metals, toxins and other known illness-causing agents.
"This all natural zeolite product could be the most important and significant breakthrough in detoxification ever. By detoxifying the body of these harmful substances, we can help reduce the risk of minor illnesses and many serious illnesses as well. This is a product that I and my family use daily and I believe that everyone should be using."
Dr. Steven Trobiani, M.D.
Board Certified Neurologist
Northstar Neurological Clinic, Minneapolis, MN
"…the old adage, ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’, takes on a new meaning with cancer. Where cures are seldom, an ounce of prevention is worth years of an otherwise shortened life-vs- a ton of ineffective and miserable treatment.
"Since most cancers are caused by toxins we either ingest or inhale, prevention means ridding our bodies of these toxins. I will be using liquid zeolite and I will be recommending this to every member of my family and every patient I see."
Dr. Jan Becker, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
"I have been giving liquid activated zeolite to my entire family including one very special member, our cat Coconut. His story goes like this. He was rescued by me when I was an emergency veterinarian. He was brought to the emergency clinic and needed surgery right away to save his life. His owners wouldn’t pay for this so they signed him over and Coconut received his surgery.
He then "worked" as a blood donor for two years saving others kitty’s lives. This involved being sedated or even fully anesthetized monthly for the procedure of collecting his blood to save some other cat in need. Also, while in the clinic, Coconut had a few bouts of "fever of unknown origin" which is usually viral.
My husband and I adopted Coconut and have had him for years. He is extremely sweet and affectionate, but would mostly sleep all day. We called it "lumping" or being "Cocotose" when he would sleep so soundly that is scared us.
Since giving Coconut the zeolite (3 drops once a day as cats don’t tend to like taking anything), Coconut has come alive. He sleeps less and even though well, less deep and less worrisomely. He plays with toys and the others cats, which he never did before. I suspect somehow the zeolite is removing the anesthesia residues, though it isn’t claimed to do so. And, also, if there was any residual virus affecting him, it has handled that.
This has been a great win for me as Coconut is truly a hero and I am glad to give him a better life in any way I can."
Dr. Peter Prociuk, MD and Homeopathic Physician
"There have been two major transforming events in my professional career. One is when I decided to change to homeopathy and that was in 1992 and I discovered a whole new world of healing.
I would have to say the same event occurred in late 2005 when I was introduced to liquid activated zeolite with my partner’s (Elizabeth Webb) mother’s story.
One of my primary focuses in my practice is helping autistic children and children who are developmentally impaired and that is primarily a disease of toxicity.
Usually we treat that with nutritional support and traditional chelators. The introduction of liquid activated zeolite into my practice has radically transformed the outcome of many of these cases and also my whole level of enthusiasm and excitement in treating these children and being able to offer the parents a highly effective detoxifying agent that has such an incredible safety profile.
It has truly surpassed all my expectations. It is just a magnificent tool in this particular setting and in many other settings. This is not about treating a particular condition. In fact I think it’s very wrong to think of liquid zeolite as being applied to any particular disease. It is a spectacularly effective detoxification agent and has usefulness in virtually every chronic disease. I believe toxicity plays a part in the pathology of practically every chronic disease and to that extent, liquid zeolite can be a marvelous tool in helping people recover. In conditions where toxicity is primarily the concerns like developmental issues, it is spectacularly effective.
There was a follow up that I saw this morning, a four year old boy who I began working with at the beginning of February, and at that time he was still in diapers, was totally non-communicative, was grinding his teeth and temper-tantruming on an extremely regular basis. I started him on some nutrients and liquid zeolite and within three days of starting the liquid zeolite, he was potty trained. Which completely blew his parents away, and me as well. Over the next six weeks his speech literally exploded, his spontaneous emotional expression exploded, he came into my office today asking a whole raft of different questions, including "why’s".
He wanted to know "why this, why that" all of which indicates normal cognitive function was really starting up in him. His temperament was vastly improved, his teeth grinding had completely resolved. His appetite and digestion had improved, it was just a truly spectacular response. Not every child responds in that spectacular a way, but certainly there’s an across-the-board response to this product in that group of children that I haven’t ever seen with any other single product.
With typical chelators, you simply do not see the quality of the response that I’ve been seeing with liquid zeolite. These kids seem to respond much more quickly and much more fully than with traditional chelating agents. It’s really a pleasure to use and it’s almost a delight to have a new child come in because I know that I have something that’s truly going to help this child in all likelihood.
Previously there were things I could do and things that would help the children, but nothing to this extent. I would say that it is the most powerful tool that I have in my clinical arsenal to help this group of children.
At this point, I cannot think of a single child (out of 40) that I have used the liquid zeolite with, who has not responded to some degree.
This latest generation of children is probably the sickest generation of children in American history. The number of allergies, the incidence of asthma, diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, developmental issues and chronic conditions of every sort has literally mushroomed in this last generation. When you see this type of global, multi-faceted deterioration in the level of health in an entire generation , 30% of these children are on some kind of chronic medication - that is clearly an indication of tremendous environmental toxicity that’s impacted these children tremendously.
Liquid zeolite is probably the single most effective agent that can favorably influence every single one of these conditions. This product is probably the single most valuable tool that a physician or a parent can use to help recover the health of their children.
I understand that that’s a very big statement to say, and I’m certainly not saying it glibly. I truly believe that this product is a godsend and something that is vitally necessary for us to start recovering our health.
Systemic toxicity is probably responsible for 90% or more of all of the illnesses that doctors see in their offices every single day. There’s not a person on this planet who does not have some kind of ailment that is the result of some kind of toxicity. Every single human being on this planet would benefit from taking liquid zeolite. I have not the slightest doubt about that and every condition that you could possibly mention in my opinion would benefit to some degree from reducing the toxic burden."*
Dr. France Carpentier, Dr of Chiropractic
"My name is France Carpentier, and I have been a Doctor of Chiropractic for the past 25 years. A respected colleague of mine Gary Danko came to my clinic to tell me about a fantastic new health product called Liquid Zeolite that people had been seeing incredible results using for chelation therapy
I have known Gary for years, and I knew they must have had a good reason to be so excited, so I agreed to look into it. I listened to a CD entitled "Killer Toxins, Doctors Speak Out". I was impressed by the sincerity of those medical doctors speaking out about this product and I immediately understood the potential benefit of this product and decided to do all the research I could about the product and begin offering it my patients.
In my clinic I’m very picky on my choice of supplemental nutrients I offer my patients. They have to be made from organic food, no synthetic vitamins. I also offer very high quality herbs prepared by a traditional Chinese medical doctor. This passed with flying colors.
A few days later I received the product, and that day a patient I had not seen for weeks came in. Eight weeks prior she had been hospitalized for viral meningitis (Inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord as a result of a viral infection and characterized by fever, vomiting, intense headache, and stiff neck). She had then been on Morphine (pain killer medication) for 6 days and later released but not feeling well.
Her health had been dwindling down, and she’s been having pain in her head, stomach and muscles. She was nauseous and so weak that her husband had to support her when she was walking, and she was whispering to me to save her strength. I gave her a treatment and suggested to her to start taking the zeolite in order to strengthen her immune system. She called me less than 48 hours later, and her voice was full of life when she said "Dr France I’m 85% better!!!!" I had goose bumps on my arms, I was so happy for her.
Then I started offering the zeolite to other patients with different health problems. One of them is a lady that had been exposed to a strong chemical when she cleaned her fireplace 3 months prior. Her breathing was laborious, she was coughing non-stop, her complexion was grayish and she was very tired. Her family practitioner had ordered chest X-rays which came out normal. I offered her to take the zeolite. One week later she came back, gave me a thumbs up, she was smiling, she had rosy cheeks and told me her cough was gone by 90%!!!
A 23 year old woman, who has been a chiropractic patient of mine for 3 years heard about liquid activated zeolite and told me she had genital warts. (These warts are known to be caused by a virus called HPV Papilloma virus, which is also known to cause cervical cancer). She had them burned, they came back, took medication and put medicated ointment on them without any change.
I told her she had nothing to lose by trying the zeolite at 10 drops 3 times a day. One week later she complained they were bigger and painful. I told her to increase the drops to 15 at three times a day, she did. I saw her the next week but I forgot to inquire about them. The following week I asked her and she told me that last week she wanted to let me know but forgot. She had this big smile on her face and told me one morning she woke up and they were all gone!! Four weeks since then and she is still free of them!
A lady has been suffering for a few days of nasal congestion, runny nose, had lost her voice and her chest was congested. She took 10 drops of the zeolite in the morning and by the afternoon her voice was back, her nose was cleared and three days later her chest was completely normal. Also for the first time in years she was able to have a daily bowel movement.
Two years ago, my daughter had a severe tonsillitis (painful inflammation of the tonsils caused by bacterial infection). She was away at school and was put on a course of antibiotics. Despite the antibiotics she was in bed for 5 days. Last week she started to become ill with tonsillitis again. She had been taking liquid activated for 10 days, so I told her to increase it to 15 drops 4 times a day. Two days later she got up and felt so good she said it was as if she had not been sick at all.
Every day I tell my patients and my friends to take this wonderful product. I have been taking it for 3 weeks now. I have great energy already, and with the zeolite my running is even better!! I’m using this product as well as a healthy diet, good quality nutrients from whole food, exercise and no smoking, so I can live a long, active and healthy life."
Dr. Stephen Aiello, M.D.
"I think I may have stumbled on to a new use for liquid activated zeolite …as you may know I practice geriatrics and internal medicine.
I recommend the zeolite to patients who are going to travel or are exposed to closed groups of people, like teachers or patients visiting family for the holidays.
I have a patient who flies on commercial airlines frequently and he has had a number of upper respiratory infections this year from this type of exposure. I told him to go on the zeolite to see if we could prevent this, and he also has had multiple episodes of kidney stones over the last 20 years.
He has had to have lithotripsy {crushing of stone by sound waves} and ureterocystoscopies {going through the bladder up the tube to the kidney to remove a stone}.
He was told by his urologist that he had a stone wedged in the lower part of the kidney and he had cat scans and studies to prove this and to locate the stone. He was scheduled to have the stone removed, but he set this up to occur a couple weeks after starting the liquid activated zeolite. On the morning of surgery the urologist got an x-ray to confirm that the stone was still in the same place and guess what, it was gone. Now this patient has passed stones before and he knows it is like trying to pass a piece of broken glass, so he is sure that he did not pass this stone intact.
On a scientific basis this seems to make sense to me because we know that the zeolite picks up positively charged particles and kidney stones are usually made up of debris wrapped in minerals {70% have calcium in them that is why you can see most stones on x ray}. If this turns out to be a new use for the zeolite, I can’t even express what a medical find this would be.
For most people the only way to prevent kidney stones is to avoid calcium in their diet and that is not a good idea for bone strength. Also I know that kidney stones and infections are a common problem in small dogs and especially in cats. I obviously will be using liquid activated zeolite on any of my kidney stone patients, especially since there is no down side since it is 100% non toxic and safe." *
Dr. Tom Zorich DC
"This product provides a simple, natural, and highly effective way to detoxify the body. I have seen phenomenal broad spectrum results in my practice in the first few weeks of providing this product to my patients."
"Being in practice for over twenty years and prior to that being a professional athlete, I’ve always studied nutrition and the thing I’ve seen most is, remarkable changes (when) we’ve done detoxing. We see people from all over the world with health care problems and very unusual toxic problems and the results that we’re getting with the (liquid zeolite) is just shocking. Two leukemia patients came back with their blood results negative, I’ve had numerous patients with autism where the children are cognitive again and the list just goes on and on. Numerous patients who had the detox and (were) terminal cancer patients with skin cancer they came back negative. So, it’s detoxing the body it’s a nutrient it’s non-toxic and I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s really gotten me jazzed back up in my practice because one of the biggest things we’ve had to confront is the neurotoxins and the toxins in our environment - it’s really been tough for holistic practitioners. So, I feel that this product is something that is just going to change the world.
(When asked how long it takes to see results): It varies from patient to patient. If someone is very toxic, overweight, isn’t on the right type of diet, that is going to take a little longer. But, sometimes we’ll see it with patients, in the next day."
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Can Zeolite be Harmful?
I've been doing a lot of research on the Zeolite product lately trying to find the truth about it. I found a very disturbing article today at Zeolite Liquid Wholesale site.
The way I understand it is that Zeolites occur in nature and by default they pull in toxins. So when they are found originally they are filled with toxins that they have already picked up. So if you try to consume these zeolites you could seriously harm yourself.
Here are some of the things other companies say about the cleansing process, and the truth behind their claims.
- "Hydrochloric acid and high heat destroy a zeolite structure (as zeolite was FORMED by heat in the first place when volcanic ash combined with alkaline sea water). Both of these structure-destroying processes are used in making another liquid zeolite (which is much more expensive and multi-level-marketed), in a effort to "clean the cages". When you destroy the structure, you create a pool of elements that originally made up the structure. Even if heavy metals were safe in the cage walls before the process, they are now loose and can be absorbed by the body. WE DO NOT USE HYDROCHLORIC ACID OR HEAT TO MAKE OUR LIQUID ZEOLITE. We use the cleanest, safest zeolite ore, in the first place, and use a natural approach to liquefying the zeolite. No harsh chemical reagents and zeolite-damaging heat-treatment processes are used! By liquefying zeolite with humic/fulvic, these amazing substances also provide numerous benefits on their own By further adding structured water and frequency enhancement, we feel our non Rx detoxifying and re-mineralizing supplement (proudly made in the USA) is an amazing product." (from Liquid Zeolite Company, Inc)
First a mineral that is formed from volcanic eruptions will not be harmed by a bit of heat. Secondly, the whole idea is to shake loose the toxins and get rid of them. These poor folks just admitted that their product has heavy metals in them that they don’t clean out. Third, there is no such thing as a "cleanest, safest zeolite ore". Zeolite isn’t an ore, and it comes from the ground and is exposed to everything we are (see above). Finally they say they "liquefy zeolite with humic/fulvic acid". Zeolite is a mineral. It can NOT be liquefied. Humic/fulvic acids are ACIDIC fillers that allow them to put less or no zeolite in their bottles. (The good news is if there is MORE filler there will be LESS heavy metals because there is LESS zeolite!! They use bright pink colors (pretty!) and practically shout their desperate plea to a vulnerable audience.( I think when you have to yell in pink you really must be losing customers!) :-)
- Zeolite Enhanced Now With DHQ- Robert (not a medical professional) Sopias from "11 natural therapies to conquer cancer" ( Zeolite Enhanced is a frequency enhanced liquid zeolite, that has been, ever since it was developed, the most potent liquid zeolite supplement available. And much better than any powder or capsule. Bar none. Not because it is specially cleaned or activated, as one major brand touts. That cleaning doesn’t help the zeolite get into cancer cells. Not because it has humic or fulvic acid as other brands tout, though it does indeed contain humic acid. Humic acid or fulvic acid both enhance absorption, but don’t help zeolite get into cancerous cells. And getting the zeolite into the cancer cells is what you want. That’s where zeolite needs to get to, to kill the cancer cell. What sets Zeolite Enhanced above all other zeolites, making its most recent version about 400% more effective at dealing with cancer, is that it has been energized or imbued with special vibrational frequencies 8 or 9 different ways that have three anti-cancer activities, all equally important.
Once again we see that the Zeolite Enhanced- Now With DHQ is not cleaned. This means it is full of heavy metals and toxins. Once again we see that a manufacturer adds fillers to the zeolite. The REASON they need to add things like DHQ to try to make the zeolite product seem more potent is that a full zeolite cage can not do it’s job in your body. Finally, zeolite DOES NOT kill cancer cells!!!! Neither do vibrational frequencies. Fancy marketing talk can send you to your death!
The deposit of ZEOLITE we use is from the purest deposits available. Any residual toxins that may have been present in the Zeolite are removed by our Proprietary Glacial water process, which is highly effective and does not use a heat treatment or acid process. This produces the best quality ORME ZEOLITE liquid available. (from Ambaya Gold)
Glacial Water Process- that’s a fancy way of saying they haven’t figured out how to break the very strong bond between zeolite and toxin, and clean the cages.
If the label doesn't look like this one, then you have been a victim of a scam;

I hope this helps. For a ton more information, there's a free ebook written by Shelley Penney called the Liquid Zeolite Ebook.
Monday, February 9, 2009
What is a Zeolite?
A zeolite is a naturally occurring volcanic mineral that has very unique characteristics. There are over 40 varieties in nature that have similar structures, but each with it's own attributes. It should also be noted that there are many synthetic (man made) zeolites as well.
Natural Zeolites
“Natural zeolites (i.e., those found in volcanogenic sedimentary rocks) are used for many things such as building stone, as filler in paper, in the take-up of Cs and Sr from nuclear waste and fallout, as soil amendments in agronomy and horticulture, in the removal of ammonia from municipal, industrial, and agricultural waste and drinking waters, as energy exchangers in solar refrigerators, as dietary supplements in animal diets, as consumer deodorizers, in pet litters, in taking up ammonia from animal manures, and as ammonia filters in kidney-dialysis units. Most recently zeolites have been used as a food additive, and as a "nutritional supplement".
Zeolites have been used for many years from Roman times right up until today's recent success in the healing of cuts and wounds, natural zeolites are now considered to be full-fledged mineral commodities, the use of which promise to expand even more in the future.”
(From a paper was presented at National Academy of Sciences colloquium "Geology, Mineralogy, and Human Welfare," held November 8-9, 1998 at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center in Irvine, CA.Colloquium Paper “La roca magica: Uses of natural zeolites in agriculture and industry” Frederick A. Mumpton )
Natural Zeolite Structure
Zeolites are like little honeycomb structured magnets. They are negatively charged and they have small channels that attract smaller molecules. Zeolites are commercially valuable because of their dynamic property of cation exchange capacity (CEC). Cation exchange occurs when two or more positively charged compounds or elements exchange places on a negatively charged host. The most common exchangeable cations found in natural zeolite molecules are sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, many of which are desirable in numerous biological and industrial processes.
Zeolite - As a Nutritional Supplement?
Powdered forms of zeolites have been used for centuries throughout Asia as traditional remedies to promote overall health and well being. Stories have been passed down from generation to generation and many people have experienced positive life changing benefits.
The unique, complex crystalline structure of zeolites and their honeycomb structure of caveties and channels work at the celular level to trap heavy metals and toxins. In fact, because it is one of the few negatively charged minerals in nature, zeolites act as magnets drawing toxins to it, capturing them in its cage and removing them from the body.
Key Benefits
- Supports a healthy immune system.*
- Helps remove heavy metals, toxins and other substances from the body.*
- Helps balance pH levels in the body.*
- 100 percent natural and non-toxic.*
- Safe for long-term use.*
When Zeolite is taken orally it doesn’t just remove heavy metals, it also appears to help get rid of herbicides and pesticides, other toxins and seems to have some anti-viral effect.
Zeolite has GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status from the FDA.
For more detailed information about Zeolites and for comparisons of products go to The Liquid Zeolite Book.Thursday, February 5, 2009
Is Liquid Zeolite a scam or a cure for cancer?
The book can be found at the liquid zeolite book. She outlines that there are some Zeolite products that are good and some that are not. I highly suggest you read this book BEFORE ordering a Zeolite product. Otherwise, you might find yourself spending a lot of money on a scam.
Someone who talks a lot of stuff about zeolites and cancer is "Robert Sopias" of He isn't a medical professional and he makes a lot of outrageous claims about zeolite and cancer. Shelley's book talks about some of the things he says and gives the truth about some of those claims.