Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Zeolite, Pets, Cancer, and Detox

I don't know why I didn't put two and two together. I was speaking with someone a couple days ago about Zeolite and I was asking them about their experience. I was a little surprised to hear that this person wasn't ordering it for herself, she was ordering it for her dog!

Apparently, her dog has cancer (I didn't even know dogs could get cancer), and she heard about Zeolite through Shelley Penney's Liquid Zeolite eBook and decided to try it on her dog. I was even more shocked to hear that her sister had already successfully used Zeolite with her dog a couple years back for Cancer!

I did a little research online trying to figure out how pets could even get cancer... I wasn't all that shocked to hear that a few common sources of toxins are :
  • Vaccinations
  • Tap water
  • Commercial pet food i.e. fillers, chemical preservatives as in Ethoxquin, BHA and BHT, Propylene Glycol, Nitrates
  • Drugs, antibiotics
  • Fertilizers, pesticides - Pets walk on the lawn and then lick their paws.
I also found dosage information for animals as well...

Cats: 2 to 3 drops a day
Dogs: Depending on their size and health condition - up to 30 drops a day

As for how to get it, I suggest you consult the eBook. This will give you a ton of information on different types of Zeolite and even point you in the right direction on where to get it.

1 comment:

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