Mechanism of Action
Zeolites have ion-exchanging and adsorption properties. Zeolite granules, when used externally on wounds, can stop bleeding and promote clotting through the absorption of water (2) (3). Zeolites are thought to adsorb pathogenic microbials, glucose, and alcohol in the stomach and intestine and have been proposed for use in diarrhea (4), diabetes (5), and hangover (8) . Due to their alkaline nature, zeolites have pH buffering effects. They can adsorb nitrosamines in acidic solution (12) leading to claims that they can also be used as anticancer treatment by removing carcinogenic substances in the stomach. However, such effects have not been substantiated in humans. A few in vitro studies indicate that micronized zeolite inhibited protein kinase B; and induced expression of tumor suppressor proteins (9). In animal studies, micronized zeolite product was shown to reduce metastasis and increase the effect of doxorubicin due to its antioxidant property (13). It also increased peritoneal macrophages after intraperitoneal application and stimulate graft-versus-host reaction (14). Precise mechanisms of action remain largely unknown. Micronized zeolite can affect brain serotonergic receptors activities of mammary carcinoma bearing mice (15). However, the clinical implication of this effect in humans is unclear. Zeolite supplementation did not prolong survival in tumor-bearing animals (16). Zeolites may have both immunosuppressing and immunostimulating effects. In animal studies, they caused decline of GM-CFU in the bone marrow (16) but increase graft-versus-host (GvH) reaction (14). Zeolite products have other benefits when used in animal feed: they increase mineral utilization (17), reduce heavy metals induced anemia (18) and reduce aflatoxin toxicity (19). None of these benefits are applicable to humans.
I read the report and here are some of the most important highlights!
Special Point: A company has filed a U.S. patent application on using a form of synthesized zeolite as a cancer drug (21). Data submitted were based on in vitro, plant, and animal studies. The patent filing specified that the substance must be injected directly into the tumor. This rules out any benefits by oral route.The company cited financial reasons and decided to market the product as a dietary supplement. Zeolites have never been studied as a cancer drug in humans.
Purported uses
There is more information directly at the Sloan Kettering site.
There are many brands of Zeolite out on the internet. This study only applies to the original zeolite products.
The book is very informational and it talks about different zeolite products and how to find the original brand that is being used in testimonials as well as the studies.
Here is a link to the report on the Sloan-Kettering website.
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