Friday, March 27, 2009
Natural Therapies to Conquer Cancer
Look around us... The air is more polluted than ever, many of us buy our water in a bottle because we don't trust what comes out of the tap (but we still bathe in it), our food supply is becoming increasingly "fake" with all of the chemical and genetic modification. It is no wonder that we are getting sick more often. We are constantly putting toxins in our bodies and we aren't doing anything to get them out.
What is even more worrisome is that the healthy solutions that are out there typically cost so much money that only the wealthy can afford them. Have you heard of a President who died of Cancer? Curious isn't it.
We must do something to rid ourselves of the toxins that we are exposed to. The question is what do I use, and how can I find the right stuff? There is a Natural product called Zeolite that I have been researching a lot lately, and the results are staggering when it comes to eliminating cancer. However, there are so many different places to buy it, and it appears that there are some unscrupulous marketers out there that are praying on the uninformed and profiting from it.
The best resource I've found to date is a free ebook written by Shelley Penney. She's done a ton of research and has even compiled information about a variety of vendors in order to help you separate the fact from the fiction. For your convenience you can follow this link: Liquid Zeolite Book.
I wish you the best of luck in your research.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Zeolite, Pets, Cancer, and Detox
Apparently, her dog has cancer (I didn't even know dogs could get cancer), and she heard about Zeolite through Shelley Penney's Liquid Zeolite eBook and decided to try it on her dog. I was even more shocked to hear that her sister had already successfully used Zeolite with her dog a couple years back for Cancer!
I did a little research online trying to figure out how pets could even get cancer... I wasn't all that shocked to hear that a few common sources of toxins are :
- Vaccinations
- Tap water
- Commercial pet food i.e. fillers, chemical preservatives as in Ethoxquin, BHA and BHT, Propylene Glycol, Nitrates
- Drugs, antibiotics
- Fertilizers, pesticides - Pets walk on the lawn and then lick their paws.
Cats: 2 to 3 drops a day
Dogs: Depending on their size and health condition - up to 30 drops a day
As for how to get it, I suggest you consult the eBook. This will give you a ton of information on different types of Zeolite and even point you in the right direction on where to get it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Zeolite, Shelley Penney, Robert Sopias and Cancer
Shelley Penney is a retired Registered Nurse that has written a free Liquid Zeolite eBook on the subject. I suggest downloading it. There is a lot of very useful information. She seems pretty down to earth about the information that is presented. She also seems to have done a lot of research and makes recommendations on what product you should use depending on the purpose.
Robert Sopias is all over the internet. He runs a site called and has written a report entitled "11 Natural Therapies to Conquer Cancer". He admits that he has no health background, but he calls himself a "health consultant". Although I do find that somewhat conflicting, I suppose it's possible that he knows what he's talking about. One thing to keep in mind is when it's all said and done his "health regiment" will cost thousands of dollars. It might not be apparent right from the start, but be careful.
I think that the key is to do your homework. There is no doubt that there are alternative health products that could help cure various ailments such as cancer, autism, etc. However, keep in mind that it's not the product that cures it... It is your body that heals itself when given the proper tools (ie: nutrition). Zeolite is a detox product. Zeolite will pull toxins out of your body. It is up to you to add some good nutritional habits and exercise to be sure that these products have the best chance at success.
To your health!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Zeolite Enhanced With DHQ
Zeolite With DHQ - What Is It?
Zeolite With DHQ - What Is It?
There are a lot of cancer victims that are hearing about zeolite with DHQ for the first time from Robert Sopias ( who wrote a report entitled "11 Natural Therapies to Conquer Cancer".
Does the book "11 Natural Therapies to conquer Cancer" have any value? well it is written by a guy who has no health background but calls himself a "health consultant". The truth is, he is a brilliant marketer with 11 (and more) products that will cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars a month. Your cancer makes people like Robert Sopias rich. BUT, having said that, do the products he recommends really work??
Well let’s talk about his first recommendation.
Zeolite Enhanced- Now With DHQ
First… what’s the zeolite enhanced with? ENERGIES. Yes you read that right. Robert’s zeolite is enhanced with energies. No cancer fighting super ingredient here, just something so esoteric and ridiculous you have to be deathly ill and in dire need to BELIEVE, to believe this.
What else is in Zeolite with DHQ?
Humic and fulvic acids are in Zeolite now with DHQ. Now if you haven’t read The Liquid Zeolite Book I recommend you do. Click for "The Liquid Zeolite eBook." When you read it, you will understand why these acids can actually be quite harmful. Humic acids and fulvic acids are derived from rotting material. As such they can be a breeding ground for bacteria. The zeolite bottles are miniscule… only a half ounce to an ounce of fluid. When you add cheap fillers there is less room for the stuff you really need. If you really want to drink rotting organic acids, why not just buy a bottle of the stuff at the health food store. I sure don’t want it in my zeolite product and you shouldn’t either.
What about the DHQ?
DHQ must be good right?? Sure. DHQ is an anti-oxidant. It is actually a polyphenol like black tea extract or red wine. Does it do anything when you add it to zeolite?? Absolutey not. It is just more cheap filler taking up the room in a bottle so you get less of the stuff that actually works.
The Original Zeolite…
That’s the zeolite Robert Sopias first ever heard of and started promoting. Why did he stop promoting it? I don’t know for sure, but I might guess that it wasn’t as profitable as some of the many others he has promoted since. Since he IS NOT a medical professional (he actually admits that) he would not have any way of measuring or comparing zeolite products to see which ones work better. There is actually an article on this site that compares zeolites similar to the kind he promotes with humic/fulvic acids and the Original Liquid Zeolite. Click here for Zeolite Comparisons You can see by the chart that some products, out independent lab couldn’t find ANY zeolite particles at all.
Why trust your life to an unknown. The Original is the one everyone tries to copy and now you know why!!
Sloan Kettering on Zeolite!

Mechanism of Action
Zeolites have ion-exchanging and adsorption properties. Zeolite granules, when used externally on wounds, can stop bleeding and promote clotting through the absorption of water (2) (3). Zeolites are thought to adsorb pathogenic microbials, glucose, and alcohol in the stomach and intestine and have been proposed for use in diarrhea (4), diabetes (5), and hangover (8) . Due to their alkaline nature, zeolites have pH buffering effects. They can adsorb nitrosamines in acidic solution (12) leading to claims that they can also be used as anticancer treatment by removing carcinogenic substances in the stomach. However, such effects have not been substantiated in humans. A few in vitro studies indicate that micronized zeolite inhibited protein kinase B; and induced expression of tumor suppressor proteins (9). In animal studies, micronized zeolite product was shown to reduce metastasis and increase the effect of doxorubicin due to its antioxidant property (13). It also increased peritoneal macrophages after intraperitoneal application and stimulate graft-versus-host reaction (14). Precise mechanisms of action remain largely unknown. Micronized zeolite can affect brain serotonergic receptors activities of mammary carcinoma bearing mice (15). However, the clinical implication of this effect in humans is unclear. Zeolite supplementation did not prolong survival in tumor-bearing animals (16). Zeolites may have both immunosuppressing and immunostimulating effects. In animal studies, they caused decline of GM-CFU in the bone marrow (16) but increase graft-versus-host (GvH) reaction (14). Zeolite products have other benefits when used in animal feed: they increase mineral utilization (17), reduce heavy metals induced anemia (18) and reduce aflatoxin toxicity (19). None of these benefits are applicable to humans.
I read the report and here are some of the most important highlights!
Special Point: A company has filed a U.S. patent application on using a form of synthesized zeolite as a cancer drug (21). Data submitted were based on in vitro, plant, and animal studies. The patent filing specified that the substance must be injected directly into the tumor. This rules out any benefits by oral route.The company cited financial reasons and decided to market the product as a dietary supplement. Zeolites have never been studied as a cancer drug in humans.
Purported uses
There is more information directly at the Sloan Kettering site.
There are many brands of Zeolite out on the internet. This study only applies to the original zeolite products.
The book is very informational and it talks about different zeolite products and how to find the original brand that is being used in testimonials as well as the studies.
Here is a link to the report on the Sloan-Kettering website.